Co-Ed Volleyball
3rd/4th Grade Co-ed Volleyball
Boys and Girls will be equally distributed on teams and learn the basics of the game. The purpose of this age group is to build interest in the sport and remain active!
5th/6th Grade Co-ed Volleyball
Boys and Girls will be placed on teams equally distributed by grade level to maintain a fair average grade level on each team. This age group will still be recreational and open to all skill levels. Overhand serving is allowed and is encouraged for players, but not required. One to one friend requests will be granted if formally submitted. Coach requests will be noted, but not guaranteed.
7th/8th Grade Co-ed Volleyball
Boys and Girls will be placed on teams equally distributed by grade level to maintain a fair average grade level on each team. This age group will still be recreational and open to all skill levels. Overhand serving is allowed and is encouraged for players, but not required. One to one friend requests will be granted if formally submitted. Coach requests will be noted, but not guaranteed.

Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM CST
Practices will begin the February 20th (Specific day and time dependent on volunteer head coach)
Games will begin March 9th. Most games should be played on Saturday morning/afternoons, starting at 9am. Some games may need to be played during the week. Season will go until April 13th. It will be a 6 game schedule.
Home games will be played at Gary D. Wright Elementary or Hampshire Middle School. Depending on the age group and program numbers, some away games for 5th/8th may be played with Genoa Park District.
Normal Registration: 1/30 through 2/12 @11:59pm Post-Deadline Fee : Any registration that gets rostered on or after 2/13 will incur a $15 feeEarly Bird Registration: 1/8 through 1/29 @11:59pm
Contact Information
Nick Sarullo
Send Email