Outdoor Markets
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 18, 2025
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
June thru October on the 3rd Saturday, from 9am to 1pm
Register to be a vendor at the Outdoor Markets in Hampshire!
Markets occur monthly from June thru October on the 3rd Saturday, from 9am to 1pm at the parking lot at Hampshire Commons- 113 W Oak Knoll Drive, Hampshire
Complete and return this form after registering: https://chambermaster.blob.core.windows.net/userfiles/UserFiles/chambers/650/File/2025AppOutdoorMarketRevised.pdf
Members $35 per market or $100 if paid in advance by April 30.
Non Members $50 per market or $150 if paid in advance by April 30.
After April 30th, regular pricing takes effect.