Youth Fall Soccer
Join the Hampshire Township Park District’s eagerly anticipated Fall 2024 recreation soccer season! We are thrilled to offer another season of recreational play, skill development, and community camaraderie on the soccer field. Whether you’re a returning player or joining us for the first time, get ready to kick off a fun filled season with teamwork, sportsmanship, and plenty of goals. As a reminder, the fall soccer game schedule will not conflict with the fall flag football schedule. Participants will be able to attend both activities. Please note in the registration that your child is signed up for both.
Head Coaches are needed at all levels.
Please contact Athletic Supervisor Nick Sarullo if interested

Date and Time
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Practices will be held once a week for one hour beginning the week of August 19th. Practice times are determined by volunteer head coaches. Times and practice days will vary and any conflicts should be made known during your registration.
Most games will be held on Saturdays with a chance of some weekday games in place of a practice. Games will begin on 9/7 or 9/14 depending on teams and other Park Districts. The season will conclude on or before October 26th. Schedules will be made available as soon as possible, but may not be posted before the first or second practice.
U4 – 1st/2nd Grade: All games will be played at Bruce Ream Park or other local park.
3rd/4th – 7ht/8th Grade: Home games played at Bruce Ream/local park and away games will be played in Huntley, Dundee, or Genoa Park District.
Please visit website for more information.
Contact Information
Nick Sarullo
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